a survey; inspection: a view of Restoration comedy.
To me a view seems a more temporary stance than an opinion, as in - 'this is the way I see this situation at present, but I may be wrong.'
So how do we arrive at holding our present collection of views? From our cultural conditioning, education, temperament etc? I sometimes wonder how much our preferred view on things is hardwired, innate, in the structure of the brain. I seem to remember studies that show certain areas of the brain being more developed in people who believe in God, or have visions of God. (the God spot).
In my personal way of seeing things, it often feels as if I were following a prescribed path already laid out for me. A friend suggested I drop those 'silly Buddhist beliefs' that mean (to her) that you sit and 'navel-gaze' and accept everything instead of trying to do something about the problems of the world. But, as I try to explain, my present views are just the outcome and distillation, built up from, lots of reading in philosopy and other topics, and, of course, life experiences. This has also been reinforced by personal contemplation (meditaton) that has already given me great insights into and has eased mental agitation that had previously caused me much suffering in life.
Perhaps the main thing to remember about views though, is not to cling to them. In fact we should be very suspicious of any of them, knowing our tendency to want to solidify and attach to things. As Judy Lief says about the slogan 'regard all dharmas as dreams':
"This slogan challenges our desire to make our world solid and reliable—solid objects, solid self, solid views, solid ideologies, solid opinions, solid relationships, solid everything!"
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