Ways of Knowing

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    Comparing version 13:45, 4 Jul 2011 by Admin with version 13:47, 4 Jul 2011 by Bruce Mowbray?.

    This is a wiki for the Kira Ways of Knowing Workshop. We have weekly meetings atif (!wiki.pageexists("Template Kira Cafe  in the virtual world Second Life on Thursday at 2:00 pm SLT:MindTouch/OOBE/Core/Admin_Tabs") || !wiki.Although, you can drop in at any time :) Please, see the eventspageexists("Template calendar.

    Notice:  The Workshop with Stim Morane finished on Jan. 7th 2010. Informal discussions have been taking place weekly from Jan. 17th 2010.:MindTouch/OOBE/Core/User_Tabs")) { <div class="mt

    Latest Additions

    • Recent discussions: 06.23.2011 - Jealousy, Monogamy & Attachment-populating">     <h2>"Wait a moment while we
    • Homework: 'Myths of Monogamy'complete your installation...";</h2>     <p>"MindTouch

      Zen (zen.arado): is it alright if we continue with this topic next week?ispopulating all
      Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Jealousy?
      Zen (zen.arado): want to look at some of the myths of monogamythenecessary templates

      An article from Zen discussing jealousy, monogamyand andpagesattachment:
      "Although to love without conditions is generally easier in the case of brotherly and spiritual love, as we heal the historical split between spiritual love (agape) and sensuous love (eros), the extension of sympathetic joy to more embodied forms of love becomes, it seems to me, a natural development. And when embodied love is emancipated from possessiveness, a richer range of spiritually legitimate relationship options organically emerges. As people become more whole and are freed from certain basic fears (of abandonment, of unworthiness, of engulfment), new possibilities may open up for the expression of embodied love, and what was once perceived as undesirable, threatening, or even morally questionable might well feel natural, safe, and wholesome. This would, I believe, include forms of sexual expression that extend beyond the constraints of conventional monogamy. In short, once jealousy loosens its grip on the self, human love can attain a wider dimension of embodiment in our lives that may naturally lead to the mindful cultivation of more inclusive intimate connections.tomake your site fully functional.";</p>     <p>"While you wait, you can still use the site normally - feel free to navigate or create new pages.";</p>     <p>"Once we finish populating your site with content, this message will disappear (be sure to refresh this page!)";</p> </div> } else {     if (user.admin"



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    {{ web..template("MindTouch/OOBE/Core/User_Tabs");     } } link(page.api .. '/feed', 'RSS Feed for this page') }}


    Version from 13:45, 4 Jul 2011

    This revision modified by Admin (Ban)
    if (!wiki.pageexists("Template:MindTouch/OOBE/Core/Admin_Tabs") || !wiki.pageexists("Template:MindTouch/OOBE/Core/User_Tabs")) {
    <div class="mt-populating">
        <h2>"Wait a moment while we complete your installation...";</h2>
        <p>"MindTouch is populating all the necessary templates and pages to make your site fully functional.";</p>
        <p>"While you wait, you can still use the site normally - feel free to navigate or create new pages.";</p>
        <p>"Once we finish populating your site with content, this message will disappear (be sure to refresh this page!)";</p>
    } else {
        if (user.admin) {wiki.template("MindTouch/OOBE/Core/Admin_Tabs");
        } else {

    Version as of 13:47, 4 Jul 2011

    This revision modified by Bruce Mowbray? (Ban)

    This is a wiki for the Kira Ways of Knowing Workshop. We have weekly meetings at Kira Cafe  in the virtual world Second Life on Thursday at 2:00 pm SLT.Although, you can drop in at any time :) Please, see the events calendar.

    Notice:  The Workshop with Stim Morane finished on Jan. 7th 2010. Informal discussions have been taking place weekly from Jan. 17th 2010.

    Latest Additions

    • Recent discussions: 06.23.2011 - Jealousy, Monogamy & Attachment
    • Homework: 'Myths of Monogamy'

      Zen (zen.arado): is it alright if we continue with this topic next week?
      Aggers (agatha.macbeth): Jealousy?
      Zen (zen.arado): want to look at some of the myths of monogamy

      An article from Zen discussing jealousy, monogamyand attachment:
      "Although to love without conditions is generally easier in the case of brotherly and spiritual love, as we heal the historical split between spiritual love (agape) and sensuous love (eros), the extension of sympathetic joy to more embodied forms of love becomes, it seems to me, a natural development. And when embodied love is emancipated from possessiveness, a richer range of spiritually legitimate relationship options organically emerges. As people become more whole and are freed from certain basic fears (of abandonment, of unworthiness, of engulfment), new possibilities may open up for the expression of embodied love, and what was once perceived as undesirable, threatening, or even morally questionable might well feel natural, safe, and wholesome. This would, I believe, include forms of sexual expression that extend beyond the constraints of conventional monogamy. In short, once jealousy loosens its grip on the self, human love can attain a wider dimension of embodiment in our lives that may naturally lead to the mindful cultivation of more inclusive intimate connections."



    Current explorations


    Previous explorations:


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