Calvino Rabeni's Homework Suggestions

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    The idea of homework is that one engages a particular theme in a constructive way, within one's own life and experience.  When I think of Ways of Knowing, the following topics come to mind. 

    • Contemplation
    • Embodied Ways of Knowing
    • Personal Knowledge, Self-Knowledge, Personality and Character
    • Personal Purpose and Motivation
    • Keeping Commitment and Focus in Practice
    • Help, in all its Guises
    • Insight and Discernment
    • Creativity, Imagination, and Intuition - "Imagination is the Gateway to Reality"
    • Traditional metaphors for ways of knowing - Heart, Mind, Soul, etc.
    • Knowledge and Knowing - especially, outside the constraints of Pattern and Information
    • Levels and Contexts of Knowledge - e.g. personal, transpersonal, psychological, spiritual, etc.
    • Cultural aspects of Knowledge - Evolution of Culture
    • Communities of Practice; Sangha

    That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance?

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